What a great night of laughter with our clients and friends! For our first ever agency-sponsored Date Night, we were blown away by the turnout. We knew that based on the time of the year, we’d be competing with everyone’s busy schedules. Even so, between 250-300 people showed up and laughed out loud together as couples and friends. What a great night!
Once again, we’d like to thank Erie Insurance for co-sponsoring the event, Northview Church’s Westfield Campus in order to bless many marriages, and also all our clients and referral partners. And of course, we’d like to thank Mark & DeAnna Gungor for creating such a memorable experience for everyone who attended!
Based on the number of tickets sold, we were able to give back $4,200 to help couples who could use a little more than laughter. Eight couples responded, and if you intended to respond but did not, please contact Derek Irvin directly at
By the way, for those of you that missed out, you can check out Mark Gungor’s website HERE